This very rare letter, from the private collection of James Newberry, was sent by Jim to Chaw Mank in Staunton, Illinois on May 2, 1953. What makes it so unique is that Jim himself provides a mini-bio in which he claims to have been born in 1924 -- when, in fact, he was born in 1923. A portion of the text reads:

"Chaw, I was born in Panola County, Texas in 1924, have been trying to sing and play guitar since I was 6. Graduated from high school in Carthage, Texas in 1942, attended the University of Texas in Austin, was in professional baseball for three years and have been a radio announcer for the past seven years. My records have been so successful that friends have asked me to make personals so I have left radio and am hitting the road. I would appreciate hearing from you anytime and I will try in some way to return all your favors. Best wishes, Jim Reeves."

--Letter owned by James Newberry and excerpted from Larry Jordan's forthcoming new biography of Jim Reeves

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